UbiBazaar - app store for the Internet of Things

UbiBazaar is a project in development, trying to bring an app store for the Internet of Things. Click on the button below to see it live, or read more about our motivations for the project.

See demo

What is this about?

This project is developed as a master thesis at NTNU in Trondheim. The idea of this project is to implement an app store for the Internet of Things, where makers can publish their IoT-related apps and other users can install those apps directly to their devices. In the pilot phase, implementation for Raspberry Pi devices using Docker will be implemente, but the architecture is designed in a way that more plaforms can be added in the future and the system can be extended to support further features.

Should you find any problems, bugs or have an interesting ideas, please create an issue in one of our GitHub repositories

If you are interested in participating in the project or have an interesting ideas for us, feel free to contact us.